This series is inspired by the spectacular British drama „The Dig“ directed by Simon Stone. When I first watched it, I was impressed by both: the plot and the way it was filmed. There were lots of new amazing camera angles and story-telling technics. Previously, I hadn't tried to shoot in this kind of style before and I was curious to try.


This project allowed me to multitask i.e. to be a photographer and an art director concurrently. Pre-shoot preparation took the entire 3 weeks. I am very grateful to the whole “crew” who supported me and contributed to this art project.

My very fist attempt left me happy with the result. 

The action takes place in 1939, therefore, models, makeup, styling and the setting were chosen accordingly. Clothing and makeup were chosen meticulously to reflect the era.

Some accessories and props are my private treasured posessions, such as a Yashica camera. And some others have been generously lent by my school friend Anna.

Male Model Daniil tried his very best to impersonate this movie character. He needed very little instrution on how to pose. I am confident that this project was a breath of fresh air in their model routine.

As to the plot, the actual movie characters finally find their treasure. I, as a photographer, was also a founder of an amazing team and a novel way of approaching my work.


Alexandra Rensh @the_photo_booth



Katya Vasilkova @_vasilk0va, Daniil Ruchiev  @_danisokay_

Model agency:  Arlette.Management



Vladilena Gimadieva @vladilenagimadieva,



Olesya Goreva @olesya_ks